Saturday, November 28, 2009

How do I not Blush when I get embarrassed?

When ever the slightest thing turns attention to me my cheeks go on fire. Its not the cute little blushing its the ';omg your face is redder then a tomatoe blushing'; How do I stop?How do I not Blush when I get embarrassed?
There are some good suggestions at the site I am giving a link to here.

The important thing seems to be to remember that this is a thing that is bothering a lot of people and that there is nothing unnatural or bad about it. It is hard to control, but remember that even ';redder than a tomato'; might just appeal to someone of the opposite sex because it seems to show sincerity and innocence.

Some friends may gently tease you, and it would not be out of place to ask them not to and tell them how you feel. If anyone actually enjoys making you uncomfortable about blushing and keeps on making fun of you, then they may not be the right friend for you.

I think as you grow older and have more social experience, the blushing will lessen.How do I not Blush when I get embarrassed?
Well i'm not totally sure this will work, but when you feel yourself start to blush, just take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. I wouldn't know though, because I have never blushed in my life, I can't. I wish you luck.
You have to bring a water spraying thingy wherever you go i guess. I saw it on that one UK show where this one guy sprayed himselft with a tiny bottle of water everytime his temperature rises or whatever.

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