Saturday, November 28, 2009

What makes certain people blush and heat up easier than others?

I mean gosh! How embarrassing! What causes that to happen? My doctor, my boss, and of couse even some of the people of the opposite sex make me turn as red as an apple. They tend to be always men. And afterwords I get so frustrated because I feel so stupid. What causes that?What makes certain people blush and heat up easier than others?
It's a vascular (related to veins) thing. People who blush easily might have more capillaries at the surface of their skin, or thinner facial skin. Blushing happens when a person is under certain forms of stress. Being embarrassed, for example, causes a sudden release of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol; these hormones cause the capillaries to dilate (get larger) and flood with blood. The result? A beet-red face.

So there's no need to be embarrassed! :-) You don't have any control over the matter. Just blame your biology.

(I'm one of those crazy-blushers, myself, so I know how you feel. It can be embarrassing, but I just try to laugh it off...)What makes certain people blush and heat up easier than others?
embarassment most of the time. it could also be attraction, but from the sounds of it, most likely not.
Could it be their finger up your wazoo?
i don't know but i am the same way
Embarrassment reaction is determined by our culture.

You may have been raised in a Conservative or sheltered background that makes you feel a little more embarrassed than the next person.

Don't worry, most people will find this cute or endearing.

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