Monday, November 30, 2009

Why do some people blush when their sweaty?

I never blushed even once in my life. I thought people blush when their embarrassed. But all my friends blush when were doing sport activity. But i don't even when my body is so hot inside. I never get red on my cheeks. Why is that?Why do some people blush when their sweaty?
Some people have more blood vessels close to the skin surface. When they feel hot and perspire, the blood vessels dilate thus the skin turns pink.

This is more observable in light-skinned people.Why do some people blush when their sweaty?
As your heart races, more blood is pumped in your veins and arteries and that's why any light skin person will start turning ';red'; and blush.
Exercise will cause you to become red in the face or '; Flushed';. If you have never '; Blushed'; then you haven't been in Texas.
um, im not sure actually, but i think its because when you sweat, you open glands, which cauzes redness.
when you are sweaty you are usually excersizing so ur heart rate goes up and more blood is going faster to your body turning ur cheeks red
only white people blush.

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